
Friday 20 March 2020

The Young Detective

The Young Detective

It had been three days since it had gone missing. One minute he had held it in his hand, the next it had vanished. How could it just have disappeared? It had been right in front of his eyes!
He had been warned about what would happen if he lost it. His mission had been to guard the key with his life, ever since they visited him last summer.
Adam had always had a detective’s instinct. They had told him as much. He had been chosen because he had certain skills, and he would need them more than ever now.
Only one clue had seemingly been left, which was sat on the living room table.
Holding the magnifying glass up to his eye, Adam began to investigate .
 He was lost in his search for the key so he went to the only witness he asked what was the key for said the Adam  it’s nothing that you need to know about said the witness what's your name anyway why do you need to know I don't I just want to know your name so I can call you bye your name and not witness  well you can keep calling me witness he said I know someone who might know about the key well then  take me to him so I can ask him some questions about the case .It took a while to get there. We had to go through the downtown to get there. It was a bad place to be at night. But he really needed to find the key some time went by and they asked him what's your name. He said Johnny well that what I go by down here and I don’t want people to know my real name. then he pop the question what do you know about a key what about a stolen key but I need  something to jump my memory the witness how much do you need the Adam said want don’t give him the money we can just chuck him in a sell-block for not telling us you know the that is a crime not telling me what you know about the key .OK  i’ll tell you there is this  guy named  danger well that's what we call him he stay uptown and he does all his business downtown well that’s what I know about him on there way out johnny said wait where are you  going hay I said I have a price, the the witness here get you something with that johnny that that he was giving him a few hundreds but it was just a few dollars he was angry he began to chase him but they were to fast  the next day .they were asking people that know a lot  of other people but each one lead them to someone else but on there way to the last person they heard a payphone  start to ring that's odd they said so they picked it up and said Hello they said a deep voice said I heard you've been looking me straight away he knew who it was it’s been a long time old friend I know where to go said Adam take me back to your house were it all happen . On their way back  they realised  that someone was following them back to the witness house they turned  into the  abandoned  house. They ran to the back of the house and when the people that were following them into the the house they realised that it was the wrong house ,then they ran out Adam and the witness  ran to the witness  home and locked all the doors and windows he looked at the crime scene and he saw the lollipop rapper and was for sure who it was the witness  picked it up and said it’s a lollipop rapper whats wrong it’s my brother I know where he . Is they went to the wood were he saw their old tree house and he climbed up and saw him sitting there why did you take it because I knew that they will put you on this case he said I miss you place come back to me brother I miss you too but where's the key here he handed it over thanks but you still need to go to to prison but I know you won't be in there for long  when you come out  i’ll help you get back on your feet.     

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