immersion assembly
23 July 2018
On monday there was a immerion assembly when we went to the hall and when all of as sat down we saw mr Burt did a reilly funny dance and we all had to get up and dance miss nua was calling him Beyonce Burt then it was team 1 on one Night miss dwyer was all ridley for bed but who new that miss had a ps4 we'll miss squire was all ready for bed and miss dwyer fell asleep at 12:o'clock miss dwyer alarm went off at 6 and up miss squire was up she up and did some Stretching well miss squire and got on her bike rides to school at miss dwyer want to school late time for team 2 miss gaston was playing with her kid she was playing netball and miss moran was want for a run miss moran even saw same shep and when she got home miss moran got some heafey food out started eating and then miss moran was with mr moran they were doing a dance and then team 3 they were doing some exercise but it was all fake it was so funny at last it was team 5 they were doing some te che mr wiseman was so funny we all had to get up and dance again it was so fun